Thursday 22 December 2011

Facebook May File A Lawsuit Against Mark Zuckerberg! What The Hell?

Mark Zuckerberg may be a misfit of sorts, but he wasn’t THE misfit at Harvard. For the record, the man in consideration doesn’t sport hoodies and wasn’t born with this known-to-all name either. AnIsraeli entrepreneur, Rotem Guez, of late claimed the Facebook founder’s name. Lulz! Talk about making your own identity! I told you this guy is a misfit of sorts! The new Zuckerberg’s website,, says that he first filed a lawsuit challenging Facebook in January, since the social network shut down his site and blocking any admission to his profile.

Say Hi to Zuckerberg!
This guy, let’s call him the New Zuckerberg, is also the co-founder of a social marketing companyLike Store, which sells “Likes” to their company on its page. Here’s what their website had to say-
Are you sad no one’s visiting your Facebook Page? We have a solution! Need 1,000 Likes? We’ll get them for you. Need 5,000 Likes? We’ll get them for you. Need 10,000 Likes? We’ll get them for you.
The new passport that he created!
In one word- PATHETIC!
Facebook’s law firm had even launched a lawsuit against Like Store for selling brand fans, thus breaching their Terms Of Service. The threat asked of the New Zuckerberg to shut down his company and never be seen in the social network again. To avoid any more legal action against him, he officially changed his name to Mark Zuckerberg on December 7th 2011, and plans of change his family name are down the line too. When Facebook recently filed a lawsuit against the all-the-same active Live Store, they were in for a shock to know that they were jeopardizing their own master.
As if he somehow knew all the hype and hoopla that he’ll be generating, the New Zuckerberg has arranged for the extra spice that he can add on the internet- A facebook page and a twitter account with the handle @iMarkZuckerberg. All latest photographs of his new passport and ID card have been uploaded in these pages.
Such comedy of errors to happen are very rare, and when they do, you just like pointing your fingers at them and do a Lulz! Let us know what you all think about this new Zuckerberg — A miserable identity, or a smart-as-a-whip marketing genius?

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